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Be the Man You’ve Always Known You Can Be, Doing the Work that Sets Your Soul on Fire and Accessing Your Genius to Create the Impact that the World Desperately Needs And Making it Happen Faster than You Ever Imagined Possible in a Way that Allows you to Experience the Greatest Amount of Freedom, Fun, Fulfillment, Love, Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Sound too good to be true? Maybe you’re right. But what if you’re not? After working with countless athletes and entrepreneurs (most of which were, like me, both at the same time) and seeing the extraordinary shifts that were happening on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – I started to notice patterns. When I first started coaching, I honestly didn’t really know what I was doing outside of my own wide-reaching studies and personal experience and a burning passion to help in the best way I knew how. But over time and through a lot of trial and error I began developing a system that not only helped get better results, it also got better results faster and with less effort. However, I still felt like there was something missing. My practice only let me work with one person at a time and even though the one on one experience is extremely powerful, we are social creatures and thrive off of connection and learning from one another. No matter how much of a lone-wolf you’ve built yourself up to be, we need each other and we’re much stronger together than we are alone. So my question become… And here’s your first lesson by the way: If you want better answers, you must ask better questions. If you want to ask better questions, you must expand your view of what you believe is possible. If you want to expand your view of what you believe is possible, remember that our potential is virtually limitless because so much of what we now take for granted (smartphones, WiFi, airplanes, space travel, deadlifting 1000lbs, etc.) was once thought to be impossible. If you want to have a direct, felt experience of your ultimate potential so you can ask better questions and get results in advance, stick around and I’d be honored to share what I know. Anyways, my question: How do I synthesis my whole life’s work into a program that’s approachable and practical that allows me to help more people at once while also being even more effective than working one on one? In my typical fashion (and another free tip) I knew that there was a way for both/all of it to be true. There’s always the potential because the potential is infinite because the Infinite is ALL THERE IS. LIFE Magick is the answer.

  • This is a 12 month ALL-IN program that walks you through the process of optimizing every aspect of your life and helps you tap into your unique genius so you can align to your soul’s mission and do the work you’re called to do in a way that makes you a lot of money (if you’re into that sort of thing) so you can invest in what matters to you and continue to expand your influence and impact.

  • There will be one fully immersive and all-inclusive retreat hosted EACH quarter. Each retreat will be centered around a different theme that will kick start the next leg of our journey

  • Each member will have one deep dive session with me per month to work through any challenges, capitalize on opportunities, synthesize the knowledge, and create strategies for maximum results

  • Each week we will have a community mentorship, mastermind, and accountability call where we will all be able to check in, grow from one another, and establish our desired outcomes for the following week to continue to compound our success

  • Each week there will be a new lesson with actionable assignments to help you expand your knowledge and see results quickly

  • As a BONUS, I will be taking each member through an extensive nutrition and lifestyle assessment so that I can personalize action items for best results

  • As another BONUS, each member will get access to Optimal Evolution’s entire training system and online platform to further accelerate growth and connect/network with other community members

  • As even another BONUS, each member will receive a FREE East Race Muscle membership for as long as you’re in the program

And don’t worry, this program is designed to change your whole life but not consume your whole life. And the best part is that we are even going to go over how to structure your days, weeks, months, and years to maximize both your effectiveness AND your efficiency so you can have time and space for it ALL while feeling an even greater sense of flow and freedom than you did getting less done and managing less areas of your life. So, when do we get started? Short answer: right now if you’re ready. Class officially begins October 2nd, but we will begin taking action towards your goals immediately. And if you follow any of this free tips I’ve given, you’re already on the right track. When I was putting this offer together, I asked myself what kind of service I would provide if I were to charge $1,000,000. And to be quite frank, I feel damn confident about over-delivering and exceeding that value even if I were to charge that. But obviously I’m not going to charge that. I’m not even going to charge a quarter of that. Another free lesson: If $1,000,000 feels scary to you and you don’t see how anyone in their right mind would pay that much for an education, firstly I’d invite you to consider that if you’re scared of $1,000,000 then you’ll naturally continue to repel that reality from your life. Secondly, think about how much money and time people spend on things that don’t work or on quick fixes that don’t last to avoid getting to the root of the issue. Lastly, if you were to invest $1,000,000 into something that could make you $10,000,000 in 1/10th of the time (i.e. a 10x return on money AND time) would that be a worthwhile investment? With that out of the way, here’s my ask: This is going to be a $100,000 investment for the year long program. Or $10,000 per month. But here’s the thing… Because this is the very first launch of this program and it’s inevitably going to be a bit of a learning curve for all of us, I want to make a super duper special offer to you. Since we’re on a roll with the 1/10th’s, I’m going to even cut that price to $10,000 for the year or $1,000 per month. And get this: If you’re not annoyingly telling all your friends about how great life is after the first month, I’ll gladly give your money back as long as you can show you’ve done all the work. So best case scenario you just made the best decision of your life. Second best case scenario is you get a free month of coaching and gain some life-changing knowledge that can’t be unlearned. Worst case scenario is you sit on the fence and do nothing… Sound good? Great. Without further ado, go ahead and schedule call with me and let’s get started. Schedule a call here. The only catch is that there’s only 10 spots available and this offer will self-destruct this Friday, September 2nd After that, price is going back up to $100,000. I get that some may need to take some time to feel this out. So one last piece of advice that I use for making big decisions: Take a deep breath and bring your awareness down into your body. It even helps if you put your hand on your heart. Now without getting over analytical, pose the question of if this is the right decision for you to your entire being and feel what arises. If you feel a sense of alignment and truth then that’s your cue that the answer is yes, even if it may seem a little scary (excitement and fear are very closely related). If you feel a sense “wrongness” or like you’re being lied to, that’s a no and that’s okay. Trust your body. It’s got the intelligence of the entire universe (because it took an entire universe to create it). During the program I’ll teach you how to take this even deeper and learn how to communicate with your soul. So again, if you know the answer now’s your chance to take advantage of this once in a lifetime offer. Schedule a call with me and let’s get started. Can’t wait to see you on the other side :) With love, Nathan “Nate the Great” Barna PS: If you have trust in me, which I hope to have gained a bit of in our short time together here, and you’re a super super duper action-taker and want to lock in your spot straight away – I’ve got an even special-er offer for you: Skip the call and put a $500 deposit down to lock in your spot. Once you do I will contact you to set up the rest and get you started. This offer won’t be available anywhere else. My thank you for being a receiver of these transmissions. Here’s the link to lock in your spot immediately. THIS offer expires tonight at 10PM EST. PPS: If you want a sneak peak of the curriculum you can view the outline here.

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Without a long and winding esoteric discussion, it is my personal belief and experience that our souls draw certain experiences, challenges, relationships, and circumstances into our lives to provide the catalyst to grow and continue to develop the awareness of our interconnectedness with everyone and everything else.

Because we learn by experiencing opposites -- you don't what hot is until you've experienced cold -- the only way to experience unconditional love and the unification of ALL THAT IS/ALL THAT YOU ARE (GOD) is to have an experience of all that you are not: conditions; separation.

So each soul goes through this process of ultimate separation (ego identification) so that it can have a reference point to experience ultimate union. Conditions eventually lead to the unconditional.

All paths taken to completion end up at the same place.

With that prelude, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Everything that is happening in your life is happening at the perfect time and in the perfect sequence.

I've noticed that even when we're making tremendous progress in certain areas of our lives our minds still tend to focus on the areas that may not be going as well as we would like. What you focus on grows and what you resist persists. If you continue to focus on what you don't want or what isn't going well you will likely draw even more of that into your life. And you will likely continue to find yourself in the same kinds of circumstances until you've learned what is being presented to you and grow beyond it.

This is why comparing yourself to others' path is not helpful. The areas of your life that are going well for you may be where someone else is experiencing many challenges/growing opportunities, and vice versa. Just like we all have different constitutions and different nutritional, mental, emotional, and physical needs; we all have different areas of our lives that we're masters at while other areas we struggle with.

This is why it can seem like you've been working really hard at accomplishing something and it still feels like you're so far away while someone else starts working towards the same thing and it seems like they accomplish it in no time at all.

When you realize this you realize that the most important thing isn't the attainment of whatever the goal, dream, or objective is; the most important thing is who you become along the journey of it's attainment.

Your outside world is a reflection of your inner world. And so when you do the work to change yourself -- which engaging with the process of attaining the thing will provide the opportunity for you to do -- the world that you experience (and the attainment of the thing) will change as a natural byproduct.

This reminds me of a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"Who you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."

Trust your path.

The journey is the way.

If you'd like to take a deeper dive on this topic, go check out the recent video I made here.

If you'd like some additional support in navigating these waters in your own life, schedule a call with me and I'd be happy to help in any way I can.

As always,

With love,


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We all have a fundamental need for certainty. For some this is the predominant need that is the driver of all the decisions being made. For others it's there, but not as strong of a driving force compared to other needs such as significance and growth. Either way, we all make decisions based on this need to a greater or lesser degree.

The reason why it's important to know this is that, because of this need for certainty, we tend to put a lot of emphasis on the "How-To's" of life. We want to know exactly how something is going to get to get done. And so we create all these to-do lists; and before we know it our lives turn into this endless list of things to do that we're constantly stressed about because we know we can never do them all.

We can become some caught up in our to-do list that we lose sight of what we're actually doing all these things for and why they're so important to get done. And because we're not clear on the what and the why, our drive to do the things starts to drop off or we just continue to spin our wheels for no reason.

So my invitation for you (and the reminder for myself), is to start with the what and why before you get lost in the endless list of things you think you should be doing that may or may not actually get you any closer to where you say you want to go.

The what is the outcome or result you're after. When you really start to look at it, you'd be amazed at how many things we choose to engage in that have no clear connection to an outcome we're trying to achieve -- even if that outcome is as simple as consciously choosing to numb or escape or feel a sense of momentary pleasure (nothing inherently wrong with any of these).

And give yourself permission to dream as big as you can, knowing that the potential is always there even if you have no clue as to how it will happen

The why is the reason achieving that specific outcome is important to you. We all have our reasons; but if you're not clear on those reasons, there may not be any drive to take action on the things that are going to produce the result you want. Reasons bring the emotional charge that can either make you unstoppable or continue to dread the things you feel like you have to do.

Once you've gotten clear on the WHAT and the WHY -- the outcomes and the reasons they're important to you -- and you continue to put your FOCUS there, the HOW tends to take care of itself. And the best part is that you'll likely discover that you've either been wasting a lot of time and energy doing things that aren't really important and/or you can achieve the same results with only a fraction of the effort.

As the saying goes: 20 percent of the effort give you 80 percent of the results.

Like any other skill, this shift in focus takes practice and you may even come to find a newfound sense of certainty by believing in yourself to produce the result instead of getting wrapped up in action items that may not actually be getting you anywhere.

And through this simple shift in focus, you may also come to find that opportunities seem to come from all directions because you're not trapped in your ideas of how you think things are supposed to happen.

So next time you're presented with an opportunity, a goal you want to achieve, or a decision you need to make, instead of immediately going to the HOW, take a step back and ask yourself what the ultimate outcome is and juice it up with reasons it's important to you.

Trust me, this is something I'm still continuously working on. So we get to go on this journey together :)

With love,


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