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There's a certain beauty to the struggle.

The challenges in life are what provide the stimulus to grow.

And just as you wouldn't expect a tree that's only one year old to withstand a hurricane, it takes time and life experience to grow your roots and develop the strength to be able to withstand the forces of the hurricanes of life. We live in a culture that's always looking to move faster, get rich quicker, and take whatever shortcuts are available to the top. Forgetting that the journey IS the destination: what you face along the path is what gives meaning to the end result. That being said, you don't have to face it all alone. A new tree has the protection of the forest to buffer some of the harshness until it grows strong enough to be that source of protection for others. Every hero needs a guide. No one and no thing can do the work for you, but trying to take on everything by yourself will stunt your growth at best and is a suicide mission at worst. I've had to learn this the hard way. And even though the many years I spent trying to do everything myself provided me with the resistance to grow into who I am today, I realize that I could have prevented a lot of pain and suffering and setbacks if I would have only sought after and asked for help when I needed it. I was so stuck on trying to figure out HOW that I never thought to ask WHO. This was the question that changed my life: Instead of asking HOW to do something, ask WHO is already doing it (or has at least mastered some aspect) that can teach you the HOW. Once I started asking this question everything became so much simpler. That doesn't mean it got easier, but at least I knew what needed to be done to continue to grow and move forward. So my invitation for you is to look at your life and see what areas you're experiencing the most challenges in. An easy exercise you can do to figure this is out is to rate yourself from 1-10 in each of the following areas (1 being not great and 10 being great): Health - Career - Finances - Relationships - Time Management - Once you see where the biggest discrepancy is at, you can ask yourself WHO can help you improve that area. Maybe you can even find someone that can help you improve all of those areas. One person that has been a huge mentor for me in these areas is Tony Robbins. I've learned a lot of tools from him that I use in my own life and in my work of coaching others. And it just so happens that I was able to partner with his team to put on a free virtual workshop to help you in all of these areas and more. If you want to join in and receive this powerful offering, you can register here. But hurry because there's only 20 spots available and the training begins next Thursday (12/1) at 7PM EST. I sincerely hope to see you all there. The better we can be for ourselves, the better we can be for others. And from my point of view the world needs all the help that it can get. Talk soon, Nathan

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Updated: Nov 29, 2022

I finally found happiness when I decided to stop looking for it.

I know what it's like to be at the bottom of barrel wondering if it's even worth suffering through another day. I know the feeling when it seems like everything that could go wrong does go wrong. I know the pain of giving your all to something only to come up short and watch all your hard work come crumbling down.

I also know what it's like to go through that same pain with a happy heart and a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. I know how it feels to wake feeling ecstatic for no other reason than to just be alive. I know the joy that comes with sharing that love and freedom with others.

The different between these two states can be summed up in one word:


A simple concept and tricky to put into practice.

If you want lasting happiness in your life that doesn't disappear when life gets challenging you have to learn how to let go of all your expectations and preconceived notions of how things ought to be.

Let what is be what is.

It's a balance between doing and non-doing. Effortless effort.

This is the middle way that provides the presence to remain in a state of equanimity regardless of what chaos might be swirling around you.

From this space you are able to move with clarity and tap into your creative potential to create a life of abundance for yourself and others.

Think of how attracted you are to people that just seem to have a certain grace and a love for life about them.

And even though this is something that seems so simple to do, it's taken me years of practice to make that shift and I must continually practice to maintain in.

I used to not feel comfortable sharing this information because I didn't feel like I was qualified to do so. But the more athletes and clients I teach these practices to, the more I see how life-changing it can really be.

So now I want to give you my best stuff for FREE.

Hacking Happiness: From "Just Okay" To "Better Than Ever"

Don’t wait and don’t miss out.

Your happiness depends on it.

Talk soon,


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Just in case you forgot or no one’s ever told you before…

It’s okay not to be okay.

One of the biggest challenges I see people face is this story that there’s something wrong with them if they’re not happy or if they haven’t found there purpose in life or if they keep making decisions that keep leading them to places they don’t want to be.

You’re not broken; you’re just bumping up against the parts of yourself that are there to remind you of what you truly are.

And even if you feel broken, that’s okay too.

Give yourself permission to feel how you feel without labeling those feelings as “good” or “bad.

They key here is that all of these things you may not like to look at are just as much a part of you as everything else.

The paradox is that the more we try to fight our shadow, the more we perpetuate this illusion that we can somehow find wholeness by only looking at the parts of ourselves we like while trying to hide all the others.

Who wins when you fight yourself

Adding darkness to darkness only brings more darkness.

And there’s nothing wrong with darkness! It’s the necessary contrast that allows us to see the light.

And light is the only thing darkness can’t touch.

That light is your awareness. That light is your love.

Give those parts of yourself that you like to keep in the darkness some love and watch what happens. Watch what happens when you learn how to forgive yourself instead of constantly trying to fight yourself.

I share this with you because this was a major turning point in my life. I had to learn how to embrace, forgive, and love my shadow because fighting became so exhausting to the point where I didn’t know if I could do it any longer…

But when I decided to accept my shadow as a necessary part of me I finally started to find wholeness and purpose and nothing was ever the same again.

I hope this helps.

Talk soon,


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