Be the Man You’ve Always Known You Can Be,
Doing the Work that Sets Your Soul on Fire and
Accessing Your Genius to Create the Impact that the World Desperately Needs
And Making it Happen Faster than You Ever Imagined Possible
in a Way that Allows you to Experience the Greatest Amount of
Freedom, Fun, Fulfillment, Love, Health, Wealth, and Happiness
Sound too good to be true?
Maybe you’re right. But what if you’re not?
After working with countless athletes and entrepreneurs (most of which were, like me, both at the same time) and seeing the extraordinary shifts that were happening on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – I started to notice patterns.
When I first started coaching, I honestly didn’t really know what I was doing outside of my own wide-reaching studies and personal experience and a burning passion to help in the best way I knew how. But over time and through a lot of trial and error I began developing a system that not only helped get better results, it also got better results faster and with less effort.
However, I still felt like there was something missing. My practice only let me work with one person at a time and even though the one on one experience is extremely powerful, we are social creatures and thrive off of connection and learning from one another. No matter how much of a lone-wolf you’ve built yourself up to be, we need each other and we’re much stronger together than we are alone.
So my question become…
And here’s your first lesson by the way: If you want better answers, you must ask better questions. If you want to ask better questions, you must expand your view of what you believe is possible. If you want to expand your view of what you believe is possible, remember that our potential is virtually limitless because so much of what we now take for granted (smartphones, WiFi, airplanes, space travel, deadlifting 1000lbs, etc.) was once thought to be impossible.
If you want to have a direct, felt experience of your ultimate potential so you can ask better questions and get results in advance, stick around and I’d be honored to share what I know.
Anyways, my question:
How do I synthesis my whole life’s work into a program that’s approachable and practical that allows me to help more people at once while also being even more effective than working one on one?
In my typical fashion (and another free tip) I knew that there was a way for both/all of it to be true. There’s always the potential because the potential is infinite because the Infinite is ALL THERE IS.
LIFE Magick is the answer.
This is a 12 month ALL-IN program that walks you through the process of optimizing every aspect of your life and helps you tap into your unique genius so you can align to your soul’s mission and do the work you’re called to do in a way that makes you a lot of money (if you’re into that sort of thing) so you can invest in what matters to you and continue to expand your influence and impact.
There will be one fully immersive and all-inclusive retreat hosted EACH quarter. Each retreat will be centered around a different theme that will kick start the next leg of our journey
Each member will have one deep dive session with me per month to work through any challenges, capitalize on opportunities, synthesize the knowledge, and create strategies for maximum results
Each week we will have a community mentorship, mastermind, and accountability call where we will all be able to check in, grow from one another, and establish our desired outcomes for the following week to continue to compound our success
Each week there will be a new lesson with actionable assignments to help you expand your knowledge and see results quickly
As a BONUS, I will be taking each member through an extensive nutrition and lifestyle assessment so that I can personalize action items for best results
As another BONUS, each member will get access to Optimal Evolution’s entire training system and online platform to further accelerate growth and connect/network with other community members
As even another BONUS, each member will receive a FREE East Race Muscle membership for as long as you’re in the program
And don’t worry, this program is designed to change your whole life but not consume your whole life. And the best part is that we are even going to go over how to structure your days, weeks, months, and years to maximize both your effectiveness AND your efficiency so you can have time and space for it ALL while feeling an even greater sense of flow and freedom than you did getting less done and managing less areas of your life.
So, when do we get started?
Short answer: right now if you’re ready.
Class officially begins October 2nd, but we will begin taking action towards your goals immediately. And if you follow any of this free tips I’ve given, you’re already on the right track.
When I was putting this offer together, I asked myself what kind of service I would provide if I were to charge $1,000,000. And to be quite frank, I feel damn confident about over-delivering and exceeding that value even if I were to charge that.
But obviously I’m not going to charge that. I’m not even going to charge a quarter of that.
Another free lesson: If $1,000,000 feels scary to you and you don’t see how anyone in their right mind would pay that much for an education, firstly I’d invite you to consider that if you’re scared of $1,000,000 then you’ll naturally continue to repel that reality from your life. Secondly, think about how much money and time people spend on things that don’t work or on quick fixes that don’t last to avoid getting to the root of the issue. Lastly, if you were to invest $1,000,000 into something that could make you $10,000,000 in 1/10th of the time (i.e. a 10x return on money AND time) would that be a worthwhile investment?
With that out of the way, here’s my ask:
This is going to be a $100,000 investment for the year long program. Or $10,000 per month.
And get this: If you’re not annoyingly telling all your friends about how great life is after the first month, I’ll gladly give your money back as long as you can show you’ve done all the work.
So best case scenario you just made the best decision of your life. Second best case scenario is you get a free month of coaching and gain some life-changing knowledge that can’t be unlearned.
Worst case scenario is you sit on the fence and do nothing…
Sound good?
Without further ado, go ahead and schedule call with me and let’s get started.
The only catch is that there’s only 10 spots available and this offer will self-destruct this Friday, October 6th.
I get that some may need to take some time to feel this out. So one last piece of advice that I use for making big decisions:
Take a deep breath and bring your awareness down into your body. It even helps if you put your hand on your heart. Now without getting over analytical, pose the question of if this is the right decision for you to your entire being and feel what arises. If you feel a sense of alignment and truth then that’s your cue that the answer is yes, even if it may seem a little scary (excitement and fear are very closely related). If you feel a sense “wrongness” or like you’re being lied to, that’s a no and that’s okay. Trust your body. It’s got the intelligence of the entire universe (because it took an entire universe to create it). During the program I’ll teach you how to take this even deeper and learn how to communicate with your soul.
So again, if you know the answer now’s your chance to take advantage of this once in a lifetime offer.
Schedule a call with me and let’s get started.
Can’t wait to see you on the other side :)
With love,
Nathan “Nate the Great” Barna
PS: If you want a sneak peak of the curriculum you can view the outline here.