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A simple explanation of what we mean by rest, is allowing your body to return to its initial state of being, simply put it’s a “reset” button. There are two types of rest that one can think of in terms of athletic performance, long term and short term. Short term would usually be described in reference to the time between reps and sets during a workout and, although important in its own right, is not the focus of today’s snippet.

Long term rest refers to hours, days, weeks and even months between our next training session, or competition. Benefits of rest between weekly consistent training include ,allowing your muscles to repair and restore, your mind to reset and re-energize your mental resilience to a tough training cycle, and helps to keep your motivation for training going.

If you feel like you may be needing more rest than you currently are getting, do a simple self-assessment to find out. Key factors to note; is you enthusiasm for training low, how is your overall mood throughout the day and training, what is your energy level for training. If you see a drastic decrease in. those areas, it might be time to re-evalutate your rest days!

If you need more evidence on whether rest is really that important, just look up any of your favorite athletes on social media. Regardless of sport, I’m sure you will find a post or two on what their favorite thing to do on rest day is, whether it’s a passive rest day on the couch, or a slow leisurely walk with their trusty companion.

So, let’s hear it, what is something you are going to do for your next rest day?!

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Healing begins and ends with the mind.

Your mind is your greatest tool or your worst enemy depending on how you choose to use it (or let it use you).

Most people don’t appreciate how powerful their thoughts and beliefs are. They’ve been conditioned to accept things the way they were told things should be, not realizing that at some point some peoples decided that they were going to start seeing/doing things that way (study the histories of religion, science, and medicine).

How you view determines what you see.

The entire Universe is a product of Mind in-forming energy through thought to create what we perceive to be a physical reality.

If I choose to view this injury as a major setback that’s going to take months to recover from and ruin the progress I’ve made, that’s what I’m going to see.

If I choose to view this injury as a gift that has presented itself to allow me to increase my level of awareness so that I can become a better conductor of cosmic energy and therefore aid in the unfolding of the remembrance of what I am and the evolution of who I have the potential to become…this is what I see.

This is GOD’s power that we all possess being Gods of GOD.

I choose to view the potential of a happy, healthy, fully functional body that allows me to have this grand experience of being human.

I choose to view 163kg on the bar being performed with perfect execution.

Your Dream moves towards you at the same speed and intensity you move towards it.

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