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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to find success so easily while you're over here giving everything you've got and still not seeing the results you want?

You're doing all the right things...

Eating clean foods

Sticking to your workouts

Going to bed on time

Reading personal development books

Meditating and journaling every day

Pouring yourself into your work

But you still feel stuck.

And you're frustrated because it seems like everyone else is making progress with only a fraction of the effect.

Trust me -- I get it.

I used to feel the exact same way until I made this realization...

I realized that the problem wasn't WHAT I was doing.

The problem was WHO I was being.

You see, the secret to what's holding you back isn't some new strategy, program, or thing to add to your already jam-packed to-do list.

It's actually the complete opposite.

It's learning how to let go of the parts of yourself that are no longer serving you.

There are stories and beliefs that you've either created or have been handed to you throughout life. These stories form the foundation of the life that you're creating for yourself.

You might be doing all the right things to be successful, but you're holding onto a deep belief that you're not worthy of success.

So the secret to getting what you want is to identify the stories that are holding you back and let them go.

You must face the death of the old you so that the new you can shine through.

Like a snake shedding its skin -- you can't grow unless you let go.


This is often one of the biggest breakthroughs we see with our athletes.

It can be a little scary, but knowing that the answer has literally been RIGHT HERE the entire time is such a welcomed relief.

What do you need to let go of that's no longer serving you?

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Listen -- I know how hard it is to make changes in your life.

I know how frustrating it can be to watch yourself go through the same cycle of saying you're going to do something, maybe following through a few times, finding an excuse to go of course one time, and then looking back a few weeks or months later to see that you've found yourself in the same situation all over again.

I've been there and still find myself there sometimes.

In training.

In business.

In relationships.

In my finances.

In my diet.

In my spiritual practices.

It happens to all of us. And firstly I want you to know that IT'S OKAY.

The difference between the people that we idolize as being successful and those that aren't isn't some magical capability to do things perfectly or some stroke of luck.

Successful people have just learned that the secret to success is to keep trying until they succeed.

It's really that simple.

But that doesn't mean that they keep taking the same actions over and over again expecting different results.

That's the definition of insanity.

Every time you realize that something isn't working (i.e. it's not producing the results you want), it's time to try something different -- even if that something different is sticking with what you're doing because you always find that you give up as soon as things get hard.

And you keep doing that until you find what does work.

For me, one of my biggest breakthroughs was realizing and accepting the fact that I can't do this all on my own. And even if I could it was going to take me five times as long with 10 times the pain and discomfort.

Once I started seeking out help from coaches, mentors, books, courses, friends, and family, I was able to start accelerating my growth and more easily breaking the cycles that kept leading to the results I didn't want.

It's amazing what happens when you share your goals with someone that's been in your shoes before and figured out a way to get the results you've been looking for. I often find that just the process of seeking help initiates the journey that leads you to making lasting improvements in your life.

Getting the right answers starts with asking the right questions.

So my invitation for you is to look at the areas in your life that aren't where you want them to be and, instead of asking HOW to fix it, ask yourself WHO has overcome these challenges that I can seek guidance from.

And I'll be honest, sometimes that person is staring right back at you in the mirror. You just have to realize that you already have the potential to BECOME that person that's made it to the other side of the challenges you're facing.

If you need some guidance of course I'm here to help and you can schedule a free coaching call with me and I'd love to learn more about your goals and point you in the right direction.

To finish, I just want to leave you with something to ponder/meditate over:

The same person will keep doing the same things. In order to do different things you need to become a different person.

The old you has to die in order for the new you to be born.

The secret to living is learning how to die.

That's all.

Talk soon,


If you’re like most athletes, you’re probably not performing as well as you know you could be.

You’re constantly dealing with nagging injuries.

You always feel tired and beat up.

You have to rely on stimulants and pain killers to push through your training sessions.

You struggle to manage your weight.

You stomach always feels bloated and gassy.

And besides the moments when you’re jacked up on caffeine and going hard in the gym, life just feels kinda flat.

So what’s the solution?

Suck it up and train harder, right?

That used to be my mentality too until I got to the point where I was tired of being tired and hurt and I knew something had to change.

So I started to focus on my health instead of constantly worrying about what numbers I was putting up in gym.

And to my surprise something magical happened…

I actually started to feel better, recover faster, AND get stronger.

I realized that problem was my program or some new technique, it was my ability to optimize my health and happiness and effectively manage everything going on outside of the gym.

And when I started to apply this to the athletes I was working with, the results started to speak for themselves.

Lasting high performance comes by improving your health and happiness, not by sacrificing it.

Our mission at Optimal Evolution is to give athletes the coaching and tools they need to be healthy and happy so they can perform at the highest level possible.

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