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The more that I observe myself and others, the more I realize that even the most prudent of us can find ourselves spewing out "bad" words.

And by "bad" I don't necessary mean cuss words.

By "bad" I mean words that shape our thoughts and reality into something we say we don't want.

Words like "can't" - "shouldn't" - "won't" - "never" - "but" - "impossible" - "hope"

These are words that subtly reinforce the limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world.

For example, when you say that you "can't" do something because of "x,y,z" reason (excuse), you've just made a declaration about what you believe is possible for yourself.

Not right or wrong, but what you believe has a funny way of becoming your reality.

This is the true meaning of abracadabra: as you speak, so it becomes.

That's real magick in action.

So my invitation for you is to pay close attention to the language that you use.

And every time you find yourself thinking or saying something that puts a limit on your potential I want you to ask yourself:

"Is that really true?"

You'd be surprised at the amount of "bad" words show up in your everyday conversations with yourself and others.

Talk soon,


P.S. This is the kind of work we do in our Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching. If you can become aware of and shift the language you use, you can fundamentally transform your life. The problem is that it can be difficult to spot when you're reinforcing limiting believes; and so it can be helpful to have someone on the outside to help remind you of your language and give you tools to create new ways of thinking and speaking about things. If you're ready to do this kind of work to radically shift your life and be able to create more of what you want, schedule a call with me and I'd love to show you how powerful this practice can be in your own life.

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What do you do when faced with uncertainty in your life?

Do you continue to go round and round the circle of thoughts in you mind about all the things you're uncertain about?

Or do you realize that you're never going to have all the information and you're not going to be able to control the future?

Regardless of where you sit with either of those questions, the point is that nothing in your external environment immediately changes based on how you answered them.

The only thing that changes is your focus -- where you're choosing to point your attention (at-tension).

And what you choose to focus on changes your experience.

The best part is that what you choose to focus on is completely within your control.

You see, your focus is something you can be completely certain of.

So the only way to face the uncertainty is to focus on the things you can be certain about.

As much as we may fear uncertainty, certainty could not exist without it. Just as hot has no meaning without cold.

The truth is that both are needed to have this experience we call being human.

So the goal is not to get rid of one for the other, but to practice focusing on the things you do have control over with awareness that there will always be things outside of that control. And that's OKAY.

When you realize this it allows you to surrender to your experience without feeling like you have to control every single outcome of your life; knowing that you're doing the best you can do with the things that you can control.

This is the ultimate freedom.

You are ("I AM") free to surrender. [A mantra for you.]

Talk soon,


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Life is hard. Trust me, I get it.

Sometimes it feels like you're doing all that you can possibly do and it still feels like you're getting nowhere.

You look around and it seems like everyone else is making progress with half the effort you're putting in.

You lay down to go to sleep at night and you're instantly flooded with thoughts about whether or not it's all even worth it.

You feel helpless and hopeless.

"Where's the breakthrough at?"

"Is it ever coming?"

"Am I even doing the right thing?"

I'm not here to claim that I or anyone else can solve your problems.

But I am here to remind you to surrender to the process.

Whether you choose to see it or not, everything you're experiencing is for a reason.

In my experience, doing more things and giving more effort isn't the solution.

The solution appears when you realize there was never a problem that needed to be solved.

Letting go of trying to find the solution is the solution in itself.

The challenge that you're facing is the invitation to realize the Great Deception that's preventing you from seeing the Truth of yourself.

The more you reawaken to this Truth, the more you see the perfection of the path you're on.

Life is happening FOR you, not TO you.

Trust the process. Exercise patience. Surrender to the outcome.

Life is going to take its course regardless. You might as well enjoy the ride instead of constantly trying to swim in the opposite direction.

Talk soon,


P.S. If this message resonates with you and you want to take a deeper dive to learn how to implement this framework into your own life and unique situation, I'd be honored to hop on a call and provide additional guidance. You don't have to go on this journey alone (I know how lonesome and painful it can feel at times). You can schedule a call with me here.

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