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As a Chek Practitioner, I rely heavily on the Chek system because quite simply, it works. I have yet to find another system as comprehensive and results-producing.

In the Chek system there are six foundation principles:

Sleep, Nutrition, Hydration, Breathing, Thinking, and Movement

These are the six key areas that need to be addressed in order to create a well-rounded program.

They are each important in themselves, and they are also very connected with and influenced by one another.

I bring this up because even though I may focus on one area, I don't want to give the impression that any one area is more or less important than another and I also want to keep the reference point that you can't properly address one area without addressing them all because they are interrelated.

When it comes to your thinking -- specifically, your self-limiting beliefs -- it's firstly important that you become aware of your thoughts. It's very hard to change what you're not aware of. This is where mindfulness practices like meditation and tai chi come into play.

And by the way, a self-limiting belief is any belief that you're holding onto (and often accepting as undeniable fact) that's creating an experience you don't want.

The cool thing is that once you begin to become aware of these thought patterns, you can then give yourself the power to change them.

Which brings us to the second step, which is recognizing that your potential is virtually limitless -- only limited by your own beliefs about what's possible. The challenge with this is that most of these beliefs were programmed into us by our parents, teachers, society, etc. before we even had the capacity to question them. But that doesn't take away from the fact that they are just beliefs and beliefs can be changed.

So once you recognize these self-limiting beliefs, you can then make it a practice to upgrade them every time they come into your awareness.

This is the third step: create practices that reinforce the thought, word, and behavior patterns that are more aligned with what you say you want to experience in your life. Whenever I see a thought pattern that I'm holding onto I like to ask myself, "Is that really true?"

Is it really true that I'm not good enough?

Is it really true that I don't have enough?

Is it really true that this is just the way I am?

And if you've followed step two, you've likely realized that those things aren't true because your potential is limitless.

From here it's just a matter of staying consistent with your practices long enough to rewire your thinking to these new "self-expansive" belief patterns.

I made a video today getting into greater depth on exactly how to implement this process in your life so that you can transform your life. I invite you to watch it here.

As always, if you'd like any additional support in this process I'm here to help as best as I can. You can schedule a call with me here.

Talk soon,


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As I've gained more life experience and have gone deeper into my spiritual practices (which for me my whole life has become a spiritual practice) I've learned to pay greater attention to synchronicity.

To me, synchronicitites are a way for the Universe/Source/GOD to communicate with you and often expose you to the exact information and ideas you need to continue growing on your journey.

The theme of Motion has been popping up for me in a number of different ways. From the song I released called "MOTION." to my tarot card readings to the energy of the environment as spring is beginning to unfold into summer.

All of these signs have been telling me to stay in motion. Things are moving. Continue to show up and do the work I've committed myself to.

Which brings me to the message I wanted to give you today:

Stay in motion.

Life is always changing. You aren't even the same person you were one moment ago. Change is a law of life because impermanence is a law of life. Every thing is moving from one pole of imbalance to another to maintain the relative balance that is THE Law of the Universe.

Day and night. Hot and cold. Wet and dry. Material and immaterial. Yin and yang.

If life is always changing and moving, it may not be the best idea to try to stay still. We can lock ourselves into a certain way of being and doing and thinking and become so comfortable that we don't want to face the discomfort of change even though staying the same can be extremely painful.

Allow yourself to flow with the flow of life.

The best way I've found to do this is to reverse engineer your dream into the simplest, highest-leverage thought and behavior patterns that you can stay consistent with long enough to see results and integrate into your lifestyle so the new ways of being, thinking, and doing become effortless.

Become so comfortable with change that change becomes effortless.

The most important step in this process is the consistency.

Meditating for one hour once a week isn't as powerful as meditating for 5 minutes every single day.

Going to the gym and doing a very challenging workout once a month isn't as powerful as getting 30 minutes of moderate movement in every single day.

Again, the trick is the consistency. And this is often the hardest part.

You have to be willing to keep the commitments you make to yourself.

If you make an agreement to pay a bill by a certain day each month you do what you gotta do to uphold that agreement the best you can, regardless of how you may be feeling or what the circumstances might be when it's time to pay the bill.

When you learn how to make and keep commitments you've made to yourself, you're able to take that skill with you to every other area of your life.

So not only are you getting the benefit of practicing the habits you've developed, you also get the benefit of strengthening the power of your will and discipline to be able to form whatever habits are useful to help you realize your dreams.

And it's this structure that you intentionally create that allows the freedom to live the life you want to live.

Freedom without structure is chaos.

Structure without freedom is rigid.

You have the freedom to create the structure that allows the freedom.

Keep showing up and doing the work. The perfect day is the basis for the perfect life (at least your own version of what "perfect" looks like).

Keep moving,

With Love,


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When it comes to performing at the highest level possible, I've tried just about everything you can imagine outside of steroids.

From spending hundreds of dollars of supplements every month to icing my ball sack, I'm no stranger to trying anything that seems like it'll help me be even the tiniest bit better.

But out everything I've tried, there's one thing that stands as being by far the most effective and efficient at enhancing my performance and improving every other aspect of my life. In fact, this thing is so powerful that the entirety of Optimal Evolution and all of my businesses are operated by and through this foundational component.

And the best part is that this protocol takes virtually no time to implement and costs nothing.

Are you ready for it?

It's LOVE.

Love is the binding, uniting, and connecting force that allows this whole experience to be possible.

Love is so powerful it creates Universes.

By definition, love says YES to all of it.

So how does this improve your performance?

The more you learn to love yourself, the more connected and in tune you are with your mind, body, emotions, and the soul that experiences the Spirit that moves through you. This is because the more you learn to love to yourself, the more you're willing to look at and embrace all the parts of yourself. And the more you're willing to embrace all the parts of yourself, the more your sense of self begins to expand and the more your parts become one integrated whole. The more your sense of self expands and the more your parts become one integrated whole, the more access you have to make changes within yourself. The more access you have to make changes within yourself, the more you can continuously align yourself to the thoughts, actions, and relationships that will allow you to perform and be the best you can be.

And because you're learning to operate from a place of love, the changes you make aren't coming from a sense of lack, fear, or unworthiness.

Instead of, "I don't like the way I look so I"m going to go on a diet and exercise more" -- your're coming from a place of, "I love myself so much that I want to provide my body all that it needs to look and feel its best."

Regardless of the result you achieve, the intention that you operate from will always find a way to mirror itself back to you.

I made a video today getting even deeper into this concept. You can check it out here.

Happy Dreaming,

With Love,

Nathan Barna

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