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Information is just information.

No information is inherently good or bad in itself. It just depends on the intention behind the information and how we choose to interpret it.

News is just news. The only difference between "good" news and "bad" news is again the intent and the way it's interpreted.

I bring up this point because many us live in bubbles of our own confirmation bias -- meaning that (consciously or subconsciously) we only seek out information that confirms what we already believe. And if we come across the same information enough times from enough sources, we assume it to be truth. If you combine this with a cultivated sense of fear, chaos, and uncertainty, you've got the perfect recipe for brainwashing on a mass scale.

Pay attention and you'll quickly see what I mean.

This is important because it showcases the power of ideas to become reality. On one level, everything in existence existed first as an idea -- a potential. On another level, virtually every material thing you own started out as someone's idea that then become a tangible reality.

Which begs the question: do we create ideas or do ideas create us?

I won't attempt to answer that now, but I will say that we all hold this power to turn ideas into reality, to put information in-formation. This is already happening through the expression of your genes into your physical structure.

With that power comes great responsibility. The ideas that you continue to hold and put energy into eventually come to exist in your physical experience. And with so many of us claiming not be having the greatest experience in one way or another, it's a wonder what kinds of ideas we're continuing to hold on to.

The reason I study so much is not to gain a bunch of information I can regurgitate to sound smart. Rather, it's to expose myself to as many ideas as possible so that I can gain more and more freedom to choose the ideas that I feel will allow me to create the best experience of life.

But we often hold ourselves back if we're not willing to expose ourselves to ideas that go against our current believes.

So my invitation for you is to explore everything that interests you, yet become attached to none of it. Become aware of the ideas that are no longer serving you and see if there's a way to change, modify, or upgrade your current story to match what it is you truly want out of life.

Here's an easy one:

Is life happening to you or is it happening for you?

Either way you answer that question, you're right. One word has the power to change your entire life.

Remember: words are just symbols, just information; and information isn't inherently good or bad.

You get to choose the ideas/beliefs you take on, even though some ideas are so deeply rooted in our subconscious that we don't even think to question them.

I say question everything. Better questions lead to better ideas. Better ideas lead to a better life.

This is the power of information.

Happy Dreaming,

With Love,


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We all know water is important.

Most know that the body is about 45-70% water by weight.

But did you know that the body is 99.99% water by molecular count?

And water is required for essentially every chemical reaction in the body?

These are the very chemical reactions that are metabolizing, assimilating, and eliminating your food; replacing blood and tissue cells; optimizing brain function; and growing a baby inside a woman's body.

In other words, optimizing the quantity AND quality of the water your drink can and will enhance every aspect of your life.

But gulping down 8 glasses off the tap likely isn't going to cut it unless your tap is connected right to protected glacial springs or an artesian well. The quality of the water you drink is just as, if not more, important than the quantity.

Water has a virtually infinite capacity to store energy and information. And if you study The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton PhD you'll discover that cells directly respond to energy and information. So if the water you're consuming doesn't contain the life-force (energy and information) required to optimize cellular function, it will cost you more energy to process that water than what you're gaining from it.

As a general rule of thumb: you want to be drinking 1/2 of your bodyweight (lbs) in ounces of clean, mineralized, coherently structured water each day.

Even if you're drinking filtered water, you'll still want to remineralize it with some high quality sea salt (I use Celtic Sea Salt) and structure it with a water structuring device (I use an Analemma Wand).

If you want to take a deeper dive on how to optimize your water, the importance and benefits of structured water, and learn exactly what I do for my water, check out this recent video I made here.

Stay thirsty my friends ;)

With love,


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This is a very nuanced topic, but something I have a lot of experience with so I'd like to share my thoughts.

I will start by saying that I don't have the right answers for you. Only you can know what's right for you. My hope is that my experience of navigating this territory will provide a more detailed map so that you can more effectively arrive at your destination and enjoy the journey along the way.

In my experience, just as nature has cycles and seasons, so too does life. And for this reason, it can be helpful to study the cycles of nature so that you can better understand the cycles that pervade life and ultimately this whole experience -- as we are a direct product of and in connection with nature and the Universe as a whole.

The only difference is us humans have been endowed with the unique ability to consciously choose against our nature..

Consequently, we've been indoctrinated into ways of living and ways of thinking that are linear instead of cyclical.

"You're either getting better or you're getting worse."

"Progress at all costs."

Personally, I've found that the more I align myself to the nature of Nature, the more in tune I am with the natural rhythms in life. Some seasons are fast while others are slow. Some seasons are spent deepening my roots while others are spent enjoying the fruits of my labor. Some seasons are for planning; some are for execution; some are for celebration; and some or for rest and reflection.

Some cycles are short while others may span years, decades, and even lifetimes. And there can even be many micro cycles within one macro cycle.

But how do you know when it's time for one season to end and another to begin? How do you know if it's time to make some changes or if you just need to stay the course?

In my experience, the first step is to allow yourself to be open to the possibility of change. Too often we become fixated to one season or one way of living or one way of being that may have served its purpose at the time, but no longer is supportive of our growth.

Change is inevitable, but you get to choose if you resist it or not. Allowing the space and giving yourself permission to be willing to change if needed is the crucial first step that is so often neglected.

Beyond this, it really just comes down to (re)connecting with your heart center and navigating life through that space. Your head (thinking) is an amazing tool to keep you moving on your journey, but your heart knows the way.

Sometimes it's necessary to switch directions before you even get going or when it seems like you're at the height of your success. Sometimes it's necessary to stay on the course even when it's the hardest thing you've ever done in your life and it seems like almost any other path would be much easier and efficient.

I've realized that while the head is typically concerned with ease and efficiency, the heart is concerned with what's going to help you grow into who you have the potential to be.

So the questioned I've learned to ask is not what's the easiest path; but rather what's going to lead to the most growth?

Often this is the very thing we're most afraid of. And no amount of weighing the "pros and cons" or rationality is going to be able to tell us what the right decision at any particular moment. In most cases, you're either damned if you do or damned if you don't.

Another sign that it might be time to change is that what was once working is no longer working, and (this is the kicker) it seems like the reasons for it not working are things that are "outside of your control."

Remember: your unconscious will meet you on the outside to the extent you're not conscious of it on the inside.

Either way, and lastly, recognize that all change starts with you. As you change it may be necessary to physically change your external appearance and environment to match your internal state. The reverse is also true: if you're experiencing many external changes, it may be time to change your internal state to match.

All while remembering that change is inevitable. And no matter how difficult or fruitful one season may have been, day follows night and night follows day and summer follows winter to be greeted by winter again.

The answer to every question is implicit in the asking. You always know what the right answer is; and to the extent that you don't is the tension that provides the charge that becomes your opportunity for growth.

Intention is dreaming matter into tension,

With love,


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