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Abundance isn't about how much you can buy or how much you can do.

In fact, abundance has nothing to do with the number in your bank account.

Some of the people with the most money are the poorest in terms of how free they are to create the life they want to live.

Abundance is a mindset and a state of being.

To me, abundance is about being able to do what you want, when you want, where you want, with who you want.

Abundance is the KNOWING that there is more than enough for all of us because the microcosm is the macrocosm and the Universe is fundamentally infinite.

But just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should do something or that it's appropriate for that particular time and place. There's a subtle psuedo-abundance mentality that takes place when you give yourself permission to do what you want just because you can while at a subconscious level you're making choices that are not aligned with your overall dream/purpose because deep down you still believe there's not enough and that you're not enough and therefore must reassure yourself with the outward expression of your idea of "abundance."

When you learn how to align yourself with abundance you will always have what you need when you need it because you are in resonance with the infinite potential that is always available and you KNOW that you are worthy to receive all that is meant for you.

One of the easiest ways to check yourself to see if you are operating from a state of abundance is just to see how you feel when you spend and receive money.

Ask yourself these questions and notice if you feel a sense of contraction or expansion:

How does it feel when you pay a big bill?

Do you feel like you never have enough money?

Do you feel like you don't deserve money unless you work really hard for it?

Do you feel like you're losing something that you can't get back when you spend money?

Do you feel like you're taking away something precious when you ask for and receive money from others?

Even though abundance doesn't really have to do with money, we've collectively attached a lot of value and stories to money so it can be a good place to start to do this inner work.

And because I know how deeply rooted these stories can be and how profoundly your life can change when you align yourself to abundance, I want to offer you a spot to work 1-on-1 with me. I've got 2 (maybe 3) spots available and only looking for those that are serious about realizing their full potential and are willing to invest in themselves and do the work. I'll be honest, doing this inner work can be the most challenging thing you've ever done in your life. But as I'm sure you know by now -- the greatest challenges often hold the greatest opportunities.

If you feel like this is for you, schedule a call with me or reply to this email and let's get started.

With love,


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In my experience, there's always a reason behind every injury, illness, and mental/emotional crisis. Yes, genetics may make you more predisposed to experiencing a certain kind of injury/dis-ease, but genetics don't cause injuries/dis-eases.

Fortunately and unfortunately I've experienced enough injuries in my life and have worked with enough injured athletes to recognize that most injuries are only symptoms of an underlying root cause. And until the root cause is identified and addressed (although it doesn't always have to be identified to be addressed) an injury may continue to show up over and over again in the same or various ways.

In the physical fitness and physical therapy world, we're taught to only look at physical causes for physical problems. In my experience, many physical problems are manifestations of underlying physiological (organs/glands) and/or mental/emotional imbalances.

During my IG Live session today, I broke down how to identify some of the common causes of injuries and provided some of the basic protocols to addressing the root cause and accelerating the healing process, as well as decreasing the likelihood of re-injury and minimizing the chances of getting injured in the first place.

I hope this helps.

With love,


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Dear Diary,

This past year of my life has been a balance of working as hard as I possibly can to realize my dreams while at the same time deepening my surrender to exactly the way things are without attachment to a specific outcome.

Not gonna lie, it's been a challenging path to walk, but I wouldn't be in this place and in this state if I chose not to follow my heart -- even when it continues to take me right to my edge.

One thing I've learned along this journey is that it's not always supposed to be sunny and 75 degrees. The storms, the darkness, the heat, the cold -- they're all okay too. And not just okay, they're all beautiful in their own way and they all have something to show us.

I do a lot of work helping people overcome their challenges and tap into potentials that they didn't even know existed. But the big paradox is that people come to me with their problems and my job is to show them that there were never any problems to begin with.

You see, every "problem" is an admission to the Universe (Big G O D) there is something in your life that isn't exactly how it's supposed to be. The more you identify with your ideas about how you think things are supposed to be, the more problems you'll create to uphold that identification.

In other words, every time something isn't how you think it should be, you create a "problem" that needs to be fixed. And this process can become so habituated that you'll create problems just so you have something to fix. This process happens largely unconsciously.

But what if there were no more problems because everything is exactly how it should be?

That doesn't mean we don't take action. It means that we're no longer operating out of a sense of lack, unworthiness, or not-good-enough-ness. Rather, we're coming from a place of wholeness and abundance seeking more wholeness and abundance. We serve ourselves and others not because there's something wrong, but because the act of service is a service in itself.

It's okay not to be okay. It's even okay not to be okay with not being okay.

Some people run away from the big waves; some people become really good surfers.

Allow what is to be what is and trust that what's meant for you will be for you as long as you're willing to do the work you're called upon to do.

With love,


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